covoid-19 iPhone / iPad simulator for citizens [Infect]
(About this article)
This article was prepared by Apple Inc. for the review of the material by those involved in the covid-19 accreditation body.
(About detailed materials)
The material prepared as a photographic image is a summary of the issues that arise when transferring the covid-19 iPhone / iPad simulator for citizens.
Please consider before contacting us.
(English version)

(Inquiry procedure)
1) If you are a covid-19 accreditation body, please be sure to explain this app to the department manager in advance and obtain the consent to start the investigation.
2) Please enter the following information in the comment section of the blog. In addition, the information described will not be disclosed by us.
a) name of covid-19 accreditation body, department
b) The name of the department manager of the department to which he belongs, and the name of the person who entered the information in the comment field.
3) After confirming the information in the comment section, we will send an email to the general contact point of the organization. At that time, enter the information in 2). If the email is forwarded from the person in charge at the counter, please send an email to us. In that case, please use the e-mail address used as the covid-19 accreditation body. To prevent troubles, we do not allow the use of personal email addresses.
写真画像として用意した資料は、covid-19 iPhone/iPad simulator for citizensを譲渡する場合に発生する課題を整理したものです。

a) covid-19認定機関の名称、所属部門
b) 所属部門の部門長の氏名、コメント欄に情報を記入した方の氏名
This article was prepared by Apple Inc. for the review of the material by those involved in the covid-19 accreditation body.
(About detailed materials)
The material prepared as a photographic image is a summary of the issues that arise when transferring the covid-19 iPhone / iPad simulator for citizens.
Please consider before contacting us.
(English version)

(Inquiry procedure)
1) If you are a covid-19 accreditation body, please be sure to explain this app to the department manager in advance and obtain the consent to start the investigation.
2) Please enter the following information in the comment section of the blog. In addition, the information described will not be disclosed by us.
a) name of covid-19 accreditation body, department
b) The name of the department manager of the department to which he belongs, and the name of the person who entered the information in the comment field.
3) After confirming the information in the comment section, we will send an email to the general contact point of the organization. At that time, enter the information in 2). If the email is forwarded from the person in charge at the counter, please send an email to us. In that case, please use the e-mail address used as the covid-19 accreditation body. To prevent troubles, we do not allow the use of personal email addresses.
写真画像として用意した資料は、covid-19 iPhone/iPad simulator for citizensを譲渡する場合に発生する課題を整理したものです。

a) covid-19認定機関の名称、所属部門
b) 所属部門の部門長の氏名、コメント欄に情報を記入した方の氏名